Thursday, May 16, 2013

Secundo Responsive Portfolio WP Theme

Secundo Responsive Portfolio WP Theme - Portfolio Creative

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Secundo Wordpress Theme

Secundo Wordpress Theme

Secundo Wordpress Theme

Secundo Wordpress Theme

Secundo Wordpress Theme

Secundo Wordpress Theme

Secundo Wordpress Theme


  • Responsive HTML5/CSS3 design

  • 53 custom shortcodes

  • Shortcodes generator, also available in fullscreen mode

  • 6 widgets

  • 600+ google fonts available

  • Ready for internationalization

  • Built with Bootstrap 2.2.1

  • Based on a unique design template

  • Contains all psd-sources


v.1.7.1 (15.03.2013)
Bugfix: fixed ctThemeLoader warning message
v.1.7 (08.03.2013)
Feature: blog list can now display full text (not only excerpt)
Feature: social links can be opened in new window
Feature: twitter widget and shortcode updated:
- open in new window
- option to show images in tweets and control their dimensions
- option to show original url in tweet (not
- option to show original media url (like youtube) in tweet (not
- option to show original @id in tweet (not
- option to show original #hashtag in tweet (not
Feature: JS/CSS optimization for faster site load time
Bugfix: recommended plugins couldn't be installed when child theme was used
Bugfix: some shortcode could not work when invalid characters where used
Bugfix: filtering by categories names with custom types fixed
Bugfix: dates are now using built-in wordpress functions for i18n
Bugfix: sometimes slider couldn't display embedded movies
Bugfix: removed tinymce custom style

v.1.6 — 15 February 2013
Feature: shortcode generator - layout generator (editor -> shortcodes -> structure -> layout generator)
Feature: shortcode generator - shortcodes can be now previewed
Bugfix: shortcode generator - buttons now look like native WP buttons in WP 3.5+

v.1.5 — 7 February 2013
Feature: new [posts] shortcode - show any number of posts using advanced filters
Feature: shortcodes have advanced filtering options
Feature: added unlimited menu levels
Feature: added CSS for JetPack plugin (checkboxes for comments)
Feature: added translation - french
Feature: added post option to show/hide comments
Bugfix: updated documentation with video tutorials
Bugfix: added missing translations
Bugfix: [tabs] shortcode fix

v.1.4 — 28 January 2013
Added: Support for unlimited sidebars (more info here:
Fixed: Missing translations
Fixed: File upload in options issue

v.1.3 — 24 January 2013
Added: Revolution slider
Added: Portfolio now supports gallery, featured image, video and Revolution slider
Added: Option to hide dividers in ButtonBox, BlockQuote and Testimonial shortcodes
Added: New option to name the portfolio item base slug
Fixed: Portfolio menu item highlight
Fixed: Theme now hides empty header row on the blog / portfolio pages
Fixed: Translations
Fixed: Register JavaScript for Google Maps shortcode

v.1.2 — 11 January 2013
Added: New nivo slider management options in [slider] shortcode
Fixed: Contact/comment/newsletter form issues
Fixed: Highlighting of portfolio menu position while being in portfolio single item
Fixed: Lots of minor HTML/CSS/JavaScript issues

v1.1 — 7 January 2013
Added: Adding video link for the portfolio items
Added: Recent post shortcode — limit parameter (allows to display many recent posts)
Added: Possibility to change the duration of the slides for slider, wide slider and content slider shortcodes
Added: Images of the home nivo slider is clickable to a custom link
Fixed: When you have a child menu item the parent link does not work
Fixed: Synamic date for blog posts
Fixed: Proper counter for slides in wide slider shortcode
Fixed: Linking to the proper post from the recent posts shortcode

v1.0 — Intitial version



  • Twitter Bootstrap


  • jQuery

  • jQuery Nivo Slider


  • News Cycle


  • kripalser


  • createIT team

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